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Austworld are ISO 9001:2015 Approved

Austworld are ISO 9001:2015 Approved

ISO 9001, the world's most recognized Quality Management Standard, is a set of requirements that guide organizations in implementing standardized management practices to improve quality and customer satisfaction.

 It is used by about one and a half million companies in more than 190 countries. ISO 9001 is published by the International Organization for Standardization, a non-profit organization usually referred to as ISO (ISO is not an acronym but a reference to the Greek word for "equal").

The benefits of ISO 9001 Most companies gain significant benefits by following ISO 9001 requirements and holding ISO 9001 certification. These benefits can be divided into three groups:

  1. Internal improvement

ISO 9001 is an excellent tool to develop strong foundations for best practices, effective business processes and integrated, efficient business systems. Business processes and systems are essential for the performance and expansion of any company. After improving business processes in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 requirements, companies generally see quality improvements, reduced wastage and expensive rework, and higher levels of customer and supplier satisfaction. Remember: the ISO 9001 standard was developed in order to give companies a real, practical tool to improve their business. 2.

  1. Marketing

ISO 9001 certification is an important and powerful marketing tool, and the world's best-known quality standard. The certification shows your customers you are serious about quality, are proactive, and put customers' satisfaction first. Many companies seek ISO 9001 certification purely for marketing purposes.

  1. Customer requirements

It is increasingly common for customers to prefer purchasing from ISO 9001 certified companies. If your customers are large companies or government agencies, they may require that your company is ISO 9001 certified to do business with you. Many companies are forced to implement the ISO 9001 QMS and achieve certification - or lose their customers. How Can You Participate? In January 2023, Austworld will commence its journey to accreditation which is estimated to take over 6 months. This will see us work alongside with a consultant to develop our processes and procedures across all facets of our business to ensure we have a flawless road to certification. We are looking for someone in the business to lead the engagement of this program and to facilitate the various functions of the business in tandem with the consultant. If you are interested in Championing this initiative of the business, please reach out to Matt or Nat for a confidential discussion before the end of year break.